Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The results are in

So were the target audience engaged in The Hunger Games? Did they all go and see it? Did the integrated marketing communication get people excited and promote the film well enough?

Yes, yes and yes! I truly believe Lionsgate achieved all their objectives because the results are in, and since the movie was released 10 days ago, "The Hunger Games" has made 365 million worldwide in ticket sales, and was the third biggest opening at the US box office of all time and no sign of slowing down! Not bad for having a relatively small marketing budget.

Its no surprise that Lionsgate are planning another 3 Hunger Games films and planning to continue marketing the movie in the lead up to the DVD release and award seasons.

So after reading so much about the movie for this blog, and not being able to avoid the numerous media, I thought I would check it out.....and yes, it does live up to the hype and no it is nothing like the Twilight movies! I can see why Lionsgate have tried to market to the males just as much as the females - males  would love this movie just as much as the females. Having seen the movie now, I can also understand more why certain creative decisions were made , why certain colours, symbols, headlines and social media channels have been used and linked all together. Very clever job. I may even buy the books!

Richwine, L. 2012http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/04/02/boxoffice-hungergames-idINDEE83102120120402 Accessed 3/4/12.

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